What Are SI1 Clarity Diamonds? Is SI1 Diamond Clarity Good?
- What Is A SI1 Diamond? Is SI1 Eye Clean?
- The Diamond Color Grading System
- Si1 Diamonds or VVS Diamonds: Differences, Similarities, and Cost
One of the most important factors that separates diamonds into different categories, or “grades,” is the clarity of the diamond. Clarity is one of the Four C’s that help assess the quality of diamonds. The other “C’s” include Cut, Color, and Carat. An Si1 diamond refers to the level of clarity found in a diamond. When discussing clarity, a diamond is either “Flawless” or “Included.” An Si diamond will always fall under the “Included” category. In this article we’ll provide the important information you need to know about Si1 diamonds, and more information about what is a Si1 diamond.
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What Is A SI1 Diamond? Is SI1 Eye Clean?
The Si1 diamond meaning stands for “Slightly Included.” This is where the abbreviation “SI” comes from. When evaluating diamonds you should always be looking for an eye clean diamond. An eye clean diamond is one of the highest characteristics of perfection. Eye clean simply means the the diamond has no imperfections visible to the naked, or unaided eye. You’re able to see zero imperfections without the use of a 10x magnification tool. Since the Si1 diamond meaning is “Slightly Included,” this indicates right away that the Si1 diamond has inclusions. But that isn’t a deterrent from purchasing Si1 diamonds, and that doesn’t mean that Si1 diamonds aren’t eye clean. If you’re wondering how is Si1 eye clean, the Si1 diamond is eye clean to the naked eye, however under a 10x magnification tool, you will be able to see inclusions. An Si 1 carat diamond that is Round Cut will tend to be eye clean. The same also goes for Si 1 carat diamond cuts that are Cushion, Princess, Oval, and Radiant Cuts.
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The Diamond Color Grading System
As mentioned earlier, one of the Four C’s of diamond grading is “Color.” Color in reference to diamonds, ironically enough, refers to the lack of color found in diamonds. The mark of a perfect diamond are Colorless qualities. This means there are no yellow hues or tints found in the diamond, and the diamond stone radiates a perfect transparent clean hue. The G.I.A (Gemological Institute of America) came up with the jewelry industry standard of grading diamonds on a letter scale from D to Z. The three top grades for Colorless diamonds are D, E, and F. The next range of diamonds that are close to Colorless as possible are referred to as Near Colorless. These grades include G, H, I, and J. G grade diamonds are some of the best, and at the top of the Near Colorless category. G Si1 diamonds will indicate a diamond that is Near Colorless, and are one of the best Si1 diamonds on the market. Following G Si1 diamonds will be H Si1 diamonds. Si clarity H color diamond also falls in the range of Near Colorless, but are graded second to G Si1 diamonds. If you’re considering is an H Si1 diamond worth buying, in comparison to G Si1 diamond, the answer yes. Both Si1 diamond color grades are top quality, and fall under Near Colorless. But it’s important to know the diamond color grading scale when considering G Si1 diamond and H Si1 diamond.
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Si1 Diamonds or VVS Diamonds: Differences, Similarities, and Cost
Si1 vs VS1 are the top two diamond categories compared in the jewelry industry. As discussed in this article, Si1 diamond refers to “Slightly Included” diamonds. The VS diamond category in means “Very Slightly Included.” This is where the initial “VS” comes from. The term VVS diamond stands for “Very Very Slightly Included.” The inclusions on VS diamonds are more difficult to see under 10x magnification tools, and in comparison to Si1 diamonds. When comparing Si1 vs VS1 the inclusions are more noticeable on Si1 diamonds, making the value of VS diamonds higher than Si1 diamonds. By jewelry industry standards, VS1 diamonds are as close to perfect as it gets. The lack of inclusions, and quality of the diamond stone, will also come with an extremely high price tag. The main difference between VS1 or Si1 diamonds come down to clarity and cost. An Si1 vs VS1 diamond will be more affordable because Si1 diamonds have more noticeable inclusions. However, that doesn’t mean Si1 diamonds aren’t worth buying. In most cases you can find Si1 diamonds that are eye clean, and won’t come with the price tag of a VS diamond. The best tip to picking out your next Si1 diamond is making sure the Si1 diamond has the right type of inclusions. This means the inclusions are in the right place that still make the Si1 diamond eye clean.
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